General information & News of City of Amsterdam

Property Taxes - Tenants do not pay property taxes

Waste collection charge 2021 (afvalstoffenheffing) by municipality

Single-person households: € 326 per year


Water authority tax (Waternet) 2021:
Water treatment charge (1 pollution unit) €   56.27
Water system charge for residents € 117.04 per home

When renting an apartment, the following expenses will be applicable. So be aware, it's not only rent and a security deposit you're paying, but also local taxes.

City taxes for occupants:

Verontreinigingsheffing: This is a pollution levy for direct drainage of effluent into surface water of an independent residence not connected to sewer system. For single occupancy, this is Euro 54 per year and if there is more than one occupant, Euro 162 per year (the OCCUPANT pays this to WATERNET, invoice: Waterschapsbelasting).

Zuiveringsheffing: Is your home connected to the sewage system? Then you pay a cleaning fee. This way you pay for the cleaning of wastewater. This tax is based on 'pollution units' (ve). A vee is the average pollution of 1 person per year.(the OCCUPANT pays this to WATERNET, invoice: Waterschapsbelasting).

Watersysteemheffing ingezetenen: This is a levy for use of public water system of independent residence. A mere Euro 93.24 per year (the OCCUPANT pays this to WATERNET).

Afvalstoffenheffing: A levy for refuse collection. Different rates apply for different parts of the city. Amsterdam Centrum charges Euro 235 per year for single occupancy and Euro 313 per year for multiple occupancy (the OCCUPANT pays this to GEMEENTE AMSTERDAM, Invoice: Gecombineerde aanslag en kennisgeving waardebeschikking). More...

Local taxes paid by the Landlord

Rioolheffing: A levy for connection to sewer system. A fixed charge of EUro 149.41 per year (the LANDLORD pays this to GEMEENTE AMSTERDAM, Invoice: Gecombineerde aanslag en kennisgeving waardebeschikking)

Watersysteemheffing gebouwd: A levy for use of public water system of independent residence. This is charged at 0.0125561% of the WOZ-value (the LANDLORD pays this to WATERNET, invoice: Waterschapsbelasting)

Onroerende-zaakbelasting: Property tax charged at 0.05950% of assessed property value per year (the LANDLORD pays this to GEMEENTE AMSTERDAM, Invoice: Gecombineerde aanslag en kennisgeving waardebeschikking)

Invoices from:

Waternet: Waterschapsbelasting

Zuiveringsheffing woonruimte: Tenant

Watersysteemheffing ingezetenen: Tenant

Watersysteemheffing gebouwd: Landlord

Gemeente Amsterdam: Gecombineerde aanslag en kennisgeving waardebeschikking

Afvalstoffenheffing particulieren: Tenant

Onroerende- zaakbelastingen eigenaren: Landlord

Rioolheffing: Landlord

More on local taxes

Total 2021 € 173.31 per year

Organise visas, permits, registration, driving licences and other essential procedures for becoming a new resident in Amsterdam.

Read more (

Click below links for information on when and where to put your household waste on the public street.

Your property is located in:



Zuid (incl. Pijp)


Registering for a short stay in Amsterdam

If you are coming from abroad to work or study in Amsterdam or elsewhere in the Netherlands, even for a period of less than four months, you will require a citizen service number (burgerservicenummer, BSN) for all official matters. You will receive your personal BSN when registering your stay in the Netherlands.

Short stay migrants in Amsterdam

This article is designed to help short stay visitors that will not be resident in Amsterdam or elsewhere in the Netherlands for more than four months. For example, if you have a short-term contract, are a cross-border worker or a student, it is still necessary to be registered in the Registry for Non-Residents (Registratie Niet Ingezetenen, RNI). In doing so, you will receive your citizen service number (burgerservicenummer, BSN), which is required for all official matters. Anyone who wishes to work, study or be resident in the Netherlands for any other reason must make themselves known to the Dutch authorities. The BSN is mandatory for this action. As such, you must participate in registration at an approved facility. Short stay migrants can only register in one of 18 municipalities in the Netherlands (with two possible locations in Amsterdam).

Where in Amsterdam can you register?

In Amsterdam there are two locations where short stay migrants can register:

IN Amsterdam (formerly Expatcenter Amsterdam) (Strawinskylaan 1767)

City Office Zuidoost (Anton de Komplein 150)

For both locations, it is necessary to make an appointment prior to registering (call 14 020 from within the Netherlands) and to bring valid identification (such as a passport or national identity card). When making your appointment you will be notified of all required details and paperwork. Please note that while previously it was possible to register a short stay at Amsterdam City Hall, as of 5 December 2016 this is no longer the case.

If registering via IN Amsterdam, you will also be required to pay a service fee and must provide the following additional information:

A work contract (for all EU citizens)

A valid work permit (tewerkstellingsvergunning, TWV) (for all non-EU citizens)

Applicants who do not provide all required identification will be unable to register.

Citizen service number

The citizen service number (BSN) is a unique, personal number that is required for all governmental or official matters in the Netherlands. As well as being required to begin work, it is needed to open a bank account, make use of any healthcare (such as a doctor or hospital), or to apply for any benefits or allowance. Learn more about the BSN.


While in the Netherlands you must always be able to show appropriate identification, such as a passport or national identification card.

Any change in your personal data must be communicated to your local registration facility. In doing so, appropriate documentation must be provided to reflect any change.

Incorrect details in your record?

Adjustments can be made to the recorded data upon request. In doing so, you must show appropriate documentation to demonstrate any inaccuracy. A correction will be completed within four weeks and is free of charge.

Staying in the Netherlands for more than four months?

If you plan to be present in Amsterdam Metropolitan Area for longer than four months (or you are re-registering after returning to the country), then you must complete the full registration procedure in the municipality in which you will be resident. It is mandatory to do so within five days of arriving in the country. If your partner and/or children will also be resident for this period, they must also complete a registration. As well as this registration procedure, residence or work permits may be required. If you will be resident in Amsterdam, the registration can take place at Amsterdam City Hall, IN Amsterdam and also at City Office Zuidoost. Learn more about required permits.


For all civic issues, you can call 14 020 with your questions (from within Amsterdam). If you are calling from abroad please dial +31 (0)20 624 1111. For registration matters or appointments you can also contact IN Amsterdam’s experts directly.


How to register in Amsterdam

You will need to register with the municipality (gemeente) if you plan to live or work in the Netherlands. You will receive your citizen service number (burgerservicenummer, BSN) as a result. The municipality regularly informs all registered inhabitants of local events and helps with official matters.


Click here to register online and arrange a meeting at City Hall

Click here to de-register from the Amsterdam register.

Do you not live in the Netherlands for less than 4 months? Then you can register as a non-resident in the BRP with your address abroad. This is also known as the Non-Resident Registration (RNI). You will then be allocated a citizen service number. In most cases, you will need this number for contact with the government. For example for healthcare or taxes.

Click here to register

For the agent: Click here to register online and arrange a meeting at City Hall

Wise has the lowest bank fees and good exchange rates. You can easily transfer from your currency into Euros. Make sure that all bank charges are being paid by you as money sender.
Click HERE to make your Wise account.

When and where to put your garbage depends on the city area of your apartment. For more info, click here.

For signing documents we use the online signature app SignNow.

If you want to create your own account of SignNow, please click here.

Bunq is an online bank where you can set up an account without the hassle of paperwork and office visits.

Source: Houthoff.comOn Tuesday, 23 March, the Dutch Rent Increase Cap for Liberalised Tenancy Agreements Act (Wet maximering
huurprijsverhogingen geliberaliseerde huurovereenkomsten) was passed by the Dutch Senate. The new act will enter into
force on 1 May 2021. Under the new act, starting 1 May 2021, the maximum annual increase that is permitted for rents in
the liberalized market will be that year’s inflation plus 1 percent. This means that any arrangements between landlords
and tenants that provide for a rate of increase that exceeds this cap will become invalid. This is seen as a considerable
constraint on the principle of freedom of contract.

At present, around 560,000 households rent homes in the private sector: self-contained homes with an initial rent above the
liberalisation threshold that applied when the tenancy agreement was first formed. At 1 January 2021, that threshold was a
monthly rent of €752.33. Under the existing rules, the only restriction that the law imposes on rent increases for privatised
tenancy agreements is that landlords may raise the rent no more than once per twelve months. By how much the rent is
then increased is subject to the principle of freedom of contract. This means that the landlord and tenant may agree as they
please, even if the increase is substantial. The new act that has been passed spells the end for this freedom of contract for
rent increases, at least temporarily.

The new legislation is part of a series of measures to help newcomers renting for the first time and people in the middle
income brackets. According to Dutch Caretaker Minister for the Interior Kajsa Ollongren, the lack of sufficient housing
makes it particularly difficult for those first-time renters and middle incomes to find affordable rental homes. This will be
amplified if the COVID-19 pandemic has a negative impact on residential construction. One of the factors in this problem is
the possibility of high rent increases for tenants in the private sector, which can make renting excessively expensive.
To counter that possibility, Minister Ollongren believes that annual rent increases in the private sector should be capped.
Limiting annual rent increases to inflation (as defined in Article 10(3) of the Dutch Residential Tenancies Rents
(Implementation) Act (Uitvoeringswet huurprijzen woonruimte)) plus 1 percent, the cap will apply to both future and
existing liberalised tenancy agreements. Under the new act, any clause in a tenancy agreement will be invalid in so far as it
provides for a rent increase by a percentage that exceeds the legal cap on rent increases. However, an exception is made for
investments that result in home improvements: landlords that make investments to improve the rental home may raise the
rent by more than inflation plus 1 percent, as long as the increase is proportionate to the amount that the landlord has
invested. The Dutch Rent Tribunal will handle disputes relating to rent increases. Lastly, as soon as the new legislation
comes into force landlords will no longer be permitted to forcibly raise the rent by making a reasonable offer for a new
tenancy agreement, in which the new rent is the only term that changes. If the tenant refuses such an offer, this will no
longer give the landlord legally valid grounds to cancel the agreement.

The new act will remain in force for three years, starting on 1 May 2021. It will be reviewed within two and a half years after
its introduction to decide whether it should remain in effect beyond the initial three-year period. During that time at least,
any clause in a tenancy agreement will be invalid in so far as it results in a higher rent increase than is legally allowed.

In most parts of Amsterdam, you need a paid parking permit.
Click here to find out more (

Permit area (address required)

Waiting list per area

Cost of permits (per district)

To apply for a parking permit:
- you need your rental contract
- you need to be registered on the address
- you need a Dutch bank account.

Highly skilled employees can apply for a 30% tax discount. Please click here for more information.

Click here for a list of items and issues that have to be paid by the tenant in case of a camality